Chinese Academy of Sciences Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Ms. Alice Hughes
Alice is a Professor and leads the Landscape Ecology group at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. She has worked extensively across the Tropics, following from studying in the UK (obtaining her BSc and PhD at the University of Bristol) and previously held positions in Thailand, Australia, Costa Rica, and the before moving to China.
Alice’s work focuses on patterns of biodiversity and drivers of biodiversity change, at various spatiotemporal scales in order to develop pro-active management strategies that aim to mitigate the impacts of human activities on biodiversity. Her research spans from biogeographic research to conservation prioritization and management, and the development of tools for conservation biodiversity monitoring and assessment, and better uses of data including understanding limits of sensible use, as well as assessing the drivers of species loss and how to develop effective solutions for better systems for prevent loss of habitats and species. Recent work has explored target setting for the CBD-COP 15’s post-2020 biodiversity framework as well as analyzing the scale of legal wildlife trade (to enable better regulation). In addition Alice and her team look at endangered systems such as limestone karsts and develop better ways to monitor them, to develop priorities and to explore the OneHealth dimensions to reduce the risk of future pandemics.