Armenian National Agrarian University

Ms. Armine Abrahamyan
- Agronomist, Environmentalist, Doctor in Biology, Plant Ecology, (2012-2015) from the Institute of Life Sciences and Technology of Daugavpils University, Daugavpils (Latvia).
- I am a former research Fallower at Institute of Evolution Sciences of Montpellier University (Montpellier, France 2015-2016).
- EXPERT INNO -4 –AGRIFOOD (Granted by IMP3rove European Innovation Management Academy, Düsseldorf, GERMANY)
- National Node in GBIF
- Biodiversity Data Digitization project national coordinator at ANAU
- External Expert in GEF, UN, USDAI, IFAD, CARD
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Agronomy at Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
- Researcher in Medicinal Plants Diversity, Conservation, Sustainable Use and Innovative Cropping system. More than 10 years, i explore wild medicinal plants diversity, distribution, population’s ecology and their conservation in Armenia. I use Garp, R, Matrix modelling to assess the environmental variations and climate change impact on wild medicinal plants population’s demography, distribution changes in Armenia. I have strong interest in wild medicinal plants potential use across farmland landscape through innovative diverse mixed cropping system, as well as biodiversity digitization and publication management.
- Deputy Head of Division for Scientific Coordination at ANAU
- Founder at “Symphony of Nature”, Medicinal Plants Tea Company
- Work Experiences in the International agriculture cluster and research organizations at FEMAC (Spain), IRTA(Spain), ISEM(France), DU (Latvia) as an expert and project manager in agri-food section, funded by Horizon2020, Eureka, IFAD, CIRAD, Life+, ESF etc.