Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt

Ms. Lina Sanchez
Lina Sánchez is an adjunct researcher in the Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring Program at Instituto Humboldt in Colombia. Instituto Humboldt´s mission is to promote, coordinate and perform research that contributes to the knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as a factor for the development and wellbeing of Colombian society.
Our research program designs, implements and gives feedback on methodologies for the assessment and monitoring of biodiversity, through the collection, integration, analysis, interpretation and publication of data, to synthesize and position knowledge on the status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Lina is an ecologist that has worked on bird ecology and biodiversity conservation for the last 15 years, and her current work focuses on the integration of monitoring and citizen science data for analysis and modelling of biodiversity that can be used for conservation and decision making at different scales.